Saturday, 9 February 2013

keep calm and tackle the ball

What do you see before you tackle the ball?

Everything. The speed, the intensity, the timing; every single thing. You are not just diving in. You go into that clash knowing that you will get the ball. And you walk out with the statement. This is my place. Anyone who try to create something here need to face me.

First battle is the most important one. It will determine who is the better?; the attackers’ skills or your patience, intelligence and determination to stop them? First challenge will bring you the confidence.

After winning the battle, the satisfaction is perfect. You start to have a very great anger, but you start to control the situation. The opponents begin to think about you. The teammate starts to feel less worry. You are waiting for the next battle and you will throw every single part of yourself to win this.

Keep tackling.

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